

public Client::__construct($username, $password [, $statusCallback = null [, $baseuri = 'https://api.econtext.com' ]] )


An eContext username used to access the API.
An eContext password associated with your account.

An optional callback function which is called after each GuzzleHttp request when the Client runs the runPool method. The callback expects two parameters: $index and integer identifying the sequence number for the call and a $response which is a GuzzleHttp\Response object. Following is an example that simply echos the sequence number, and counts the number of errors that have occurred (if any):

$errors = 0;
$total_calls = 0;

$statusCallback = function($index, $response) use (&$errors, &$total_calls) {
    if($response->getStatusCode() >= 400) {
    echo ++$total_calls . " API calls completed" . PHP_EOL;

$client = new eContext\Client(ECONTEXT_USERNAME, ECONTEXT_PASSWORD, $statusCallback);
An optional parameter to specify a different base URI for the eContext API. For most users, this parameter should never be used. If you have a use-case, please contact eContext to discuss the need for a dedicated environment.

Return Values

Returns a new Client instance.