

public generator Result::yieldPages( void )

A generator which loads a page and returns the body content of each page. Each iteration resets the contents of the Result, which means that getBody and getCurrentPage and other items will be updated.


This function has no parameters

Return Values

Returns a generator that yields the result of getBody with each iteration, after having loaded the next eContext API Result page.


Example #1

Check the page number for each item yielded from the generator

$client = new eContext\Client(ECONTEXT_USERNAME, ECONTEXT_PASSWORD);
$url = new eContext\Classify\Url($client);
$urls = ['http://www.cnn.com', 'http://www.econtext.ai', 'http://www.nytimes.com'];
$results = $url->classify(3); # classify all pages at once
foreach($results->yieldPages() as $page_body) {
    echo "page " . $results->getCurrentPage() . " --> " . $urls[$results->getCurrentPage() - 1]. PHP_EOL;

Should output the following:

page 1 --> http://www.cnn.com
page 2 --> http://www.econtext.ai
page 3 --> http://www.nytimes.com